Oricat de bizara ar fi infatisarea lor trebuie sa recunoastem ca pisicile din rasa Sphynx sunt adevarate opere de arta. Sunt lipsite de par, robuste si foarte afectuoase. Se stie ca sunt adevarate animale de companie, foarte iubitoare. Rasa a aparut undeva in jurul anilor ’60 in Canada, atunci cand o pereche de pisici domestice cu parul scurt au dat nastere unui pisoi fara par. Denumirea de Sphynx vine de la marelui sfinx din Giza.
Fotograful Serena Hodson a realizat o serie de portrete adorabile cu aceste pisicute.
Enjoy! :)
„Sphynx cats have always fascinated me, there’s something mysterious almost mythological about their appearance. It’s like they come from another planet. I wanted to photograph them because they are so bizarre-looking, I wanted to show people their beauty.
„I honestly believe that if you look at any animal long enough and close enough you’ll find them beautiful, eventually. Man-made things can be incredibly ugly, but Mother Nature knows what she’s doing.
„I know these cats are confronting but I think they are also so intriguing.”
„I think some people are just turned off by their nakedness, but I love that they’ve got nothing to hide. And they really do have the most amazing personalities, they’re very outgoing and ‘dog-like’ which makes them wonderful to photograph.
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